Initiator of MLSSS Achievers' Website Welcome Address

Welcome to the official Website of the 2002 graduated Set of Merchant of Light Special Science School Oba (Herein Referred To As The Achievers).

I, therefore, seize this opportunity to express my gratitude and deep appreciation to our classmates and forerunners who envisioned the setting up of our Class Set Association. I commend your doggedness, foresight and commitment which are today, yielding much fruit as we continue to reunite in love, friendship and brotherhood.

This Website serves as a veritable platform for dissemination of information and exchange of ideas amongst members of our class set, between our group and the main alumni association, as well as our Alma Mater and the general public.

An equally important function of this Website is the publicity of our programmes and activities. Furthermore, our Website is dynamic, interactive and provides for visitor feedback. We gladly welcome your comments and suggestions that may help us better carry out our mission.

The year 2023 was very special for our class set. To mark and celebrate this special milestone, it will possible to embark on several programmes and activities to commemorate this singular, life-changing event in our lives.

As we line up activities for Mlsss Achievers, such programmes and activities will be publicized on our Website. I encourage you to visit our Website often. And we hope you will have a wonderful experience as you do.

Oscar Igwilo, President 2002 graduating set Merchant of Light Special Science School, Oba, Anambra State.
